Sunday, June 19, 2005


I remember doing GP and loving it because of how controversial things could be. Abortion rights, euthanasia, technology being a double edged sword, Freedom of rights..etc. The world works in a way where...nothing is clearly what it is. Theres alot of grey matter of fact..we can easily say that reality is 90% grey and the rest are...probably a darker shade to black or light enuff to round off as white.
Was talking to one of my lecturers a few days ago and he was talking abt his old teacher. How he'd conjure up a scenario that will make u end up w a dilemma on which side to tak...right or wrong.
Take for eg: some people say abortion is wrong...which I agree to an extent. What if it was a lady who was in a danger of losing her own life if she gave birth to this kid? What if the baby had a terminal disease detected even before he was born? like ...AIDS... what if the mother and father (provided the father is still there) have absolutely no money to care for this child? It being born would be left to die? what then is the right answer? What if....the mother was raped to start with? She doesnt no who the father is and is too young to support the child?
The question I want to ask is....there are psycopaths who have become like that because of what they have been through as a child. Sigmund Freud I think... Some of them have been abused as kids, sexually, physically, mentally. They learnt things in a different way ( different ways to conjure comfort or gain security) Some rape to feel in control, some kill or abuse to feel in control, or only coz thats the way they know to express themselves.... Some (fortunate or unfortunate) end up depressed and mentally unsound etc but harmless... My point is....who shud be to blame? The parents (often the abusers), the abusers (if any others), the living condition (linking back to the government), education, or....the killers themselves? What if they're urge to commit a crime was..something out of their control? Stealing n robbing for money to buy drugs that they've lived with since young. Raping to satisfy an urge of being in control...etc. Can anythign really be in control? sex addicts aer often victims of rape or sexual abuse themselves....
Im not saying all are like that. Some of them...are just plain murderers. But really... but some are just vicious cycles handed down from generation to generation...growing as they are passed down. Its like a vicious cycle. Some studies claim that there are criminal genes passed down...maybe... or maybe its coz they are exposed to the killers (their parents) since young..and learned a few lessons ..obviously. Afterall, you learn stuff the moment your eyes and ears are functioning properly...dont they say we shud play music to our unborn kids to increase their intelligence..hopefully become a musician? Maybe maybe maybe.
Its obvious that not only one factor comes into play to tune a person into a criminal. Alot of factors come in. so many factors build a criminal that its hard to pin point which are the main ones. But which are the common ones? (hell I feel like Im writing a GP essay)
so yeah...att he end of the day, what can be done to reduce all this crime happening..esp rape...sexual punishment gonna be the only thing that helps? Do we just try to containt he fire? Are there ways to prevent a fire from even starting? Dot hey help? Do pple who ahve a prob... really come up n admit it n ask for help? do they even know they have a prob?
Porb w that I assume too much...there are probably soo many white spaces in this entry n thiese views that my GP teacher wud still give me an F if I show this to her hahahaha but I love all this hahaha
Please go watch Gattaca. Its abt technology getting the upper hand, dictating ourlifes in a subtle yet obvious way. We dont know it but we are int eh hands off technology... We dont even need robots n stuff to be created...and we're already controlled by technology. Should we work to accomplish our dreams or give up because technology says not to? Should we do all we can to live the life we're meant to live...even if it means we have to breakt eh law? Technology could very well create a new kind of slavery amongst humans...a slavery reagrdless of race, nationality...just quality of genes..breed...natural pedigree or scientifically modified? which is better?
K Ive said enuff riddles. PLEASE go watch it! Hahaha


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