Saturday, June 04, 2005

Saaattuuuurrrrddddaaaayyyyyy(ala whale talk)

K im in an insane mood today. Got to sch too early so sat ont he benches reading The Rainmaker. The sch's changed abit. For starters, the benches are all newly painted w bright colours, the starirs are painted with bright colours too! Makes SP less of a factory hahahaha
When i walked into the computer lab, its like going back to sch days and believe it or not, the smell of computers and leather seats with wooden walls and tables.....comforting!!! hahahaha smells like the SALC room hahahah
A small surprise awaits as i anxiously wait for more pple to come intot he room for the breiefing. Dwayne will be here and Im gonna get a cance to see Saad's speech! hahaha Thats a very nice surprise! The more I sit here and talkabt all this, the more excited I get abt giving the valedication (more prestigiously know). I hope that I'll get to do this because there are just toom any pple i want to thank and what better way to thank them than through this? I also hope that it'll make my parents proud and a small msg for my dear sister :) Yesterday, she walked into my room, hunchedback and frustrated because she couldnt get her photos to come out right from her printer. She made herself comfortable on my mum's bed while I was lying on mine and peeling postcards. hahaha the curious her decided to help me and both of us, lay down peeling postcards. hahaha Like small kids with nothing better to do hahahaha But something as trivial as this is still a precious moment... :) Its funny how id teach her how to peel a postcard hahahaha
Anyway...times coming to start the briefing. Cant wait! Love you guys! WOOHOOO


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