Friday, January 06, 2006


Its friday! Its friday! Its fri fri fri fri friday!
Need to do something...something fun! Any suggestions? Anyone wanna join me? :/
I need a place w music! HELP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hav been following ur blogs n like the ways u share ur thoughts about life.N ur recommendation for the song by Reshmonu was excellent,i love the way he mixes the sounds and languages.Which makes him a true blue malaysian i guess,found it on cant seem to find the album here,but still searching for it,n on a personal note,plz dun take it to heart too much but just whad i feel....u are a hippocrite of some sort i feel,u say u are done n over with but it can clearly be seen that its still there by evryone but u.Personally dunno u as a person but hope u understand whad i mean.Get on,move on whit life gal.
friend :|