Thursday, January 12, 2006

Ning Trippin!!!

Ever seen Ning go gaga over something or Well wat you're about to see could be disturbing...esp since you probbaly only know the cool side of Ning...
.Ready? BTW..not for the faint hearted yah
Oh S%^T!!! He's HOT! Wah Lao! Look at that body man! Wheewww!!!! Damn! Oh Goodness I LOVE THOSE EYES! If he didnt smile so much he'd be even cooler but BLOODY HELL AS IF HE"S NOT COOL ENOUGH!!! K Now he's stuck in my head! WWAAAHHHHH Id give up a trip around the world just to be able to work with him and shake his hand and say hi and BLOODY HELL hear his VOICE! He's SOOOO GD LOOKING! WWAAHHHHH IF I were one of those girls in his MTV, Id faint when he comes over! WWAAHHHHH He's a GENIUS! I dont mind just being his micrphone!!! Or..his STEERWHEEL! DAMN!
Yes..that was truly disturbing...but not funny....Just so you all know that Ning is a calm, level-headed adult...whatever you just read or imagined is soemtihng that happens to her ONCE IN A LIFETIME. She DOES NOT go gaga over every single good-looking, smooth crooning Malaysian indian fact..she doesnt go gaga over any other singer besides him, Reshmonu.
This leaves Ning to formally announce and admit that.....when it comes to music...Malaysia is really better than Singapore and thus (as much as this really pains her to say it...stop gloating malaysians)...Malaysia Boleh....YES you heard me! MALAYSIA BOLEH...sigh...It really mpays to be born in malaysia when the music is definitely fused together...while in Singapore..the music is either towards american or british artists....or the chinese, taiwanese and hong kong singers. There is no surviving of the local artists in Singapore...sigh...Malaysia is truly better........I WANNA MEET RESHMONU!!!! WAAHHHHHHH*sobs*


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