Friday, January 13, 2006

thoughts thoughts thoughts

1st theory that was thought provoking...was a result of obvious colleagues were talking abt religion and this theory put across is..hmmm interesting...
He said that christianity n other denominations are a splinter of teh roman catholics and roman catholics have evidently done some bad things in the past...all of which were done not because of the beliefs...but because of the evilness of the people who run it. But even still..if thst the case..then by default..wudnt christianity n the other denominations be wrong as well?
Hmmm views anyone? I guess id have to say that maybe not all denominations are blindly following int he roman catholic ways. If so, why wud htye have the need to call themselves protestants or methodists or seven day adventists? Why not just call themselves catholics again and join in the fun? maybe some of them realized that roman catholics are not doing it the right way or they were forced to seperate and do thigns the way they believe is good in God's eyes.

Been busy in my mind...anyway back to work.


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