Saturday, January 28, 2006


Feel liek ive lots to say but they've slipped my mind...

For loyalty's sake.I have a topic in my mind that Im sooo itching to write abt but I cant...So I'll have to forgo that...Just wished this fren of mine wud do the right thing...all the best.

Anyway...Been reading on some disorders and realized some very interesting facts...
Disorders like Dyslexia, Dysgraphia (check em urself) and ADD n ADHD (attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder) have somethign in common...symptoms of immature STNR ( Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex) Its an automatic action bewteen ur upper n lower body that controls all of us when we're babies or infants. When our upper body is straight, the lower body has to be bent..vise versa. Overtime..this control has to be weened off or allows allt he limbs and neck to function independently. The child should gain control of the body instead of the STNR. To accomplish this, babies have to go through crawling.

Never knew crawling was so impt in a abbay's life but it helps the babay to exercise his control over his own body. The lack of such exercise will result in an immature STNR. Consequences are...that the person will feel uncomfortable sitting in a normal proper sitting position, their body will automatically want to straighten the lower body if the upper body is bent. Alot of discomfort when one is made to sit down properly for a long amnt of time. Even in sports..the mobile coordination is hindered and such, people with immature STNR, tend to dislike certain sports because their condition makes it harder for them to excel in it. Other things include the discomfort in class because of the long length of sittnig down, leading to fidgetting, lack of focus, longer time taken to finish work, seeming hyperactivity, improper posture (slouching, lying on table.

According to the book, its alot easier for these kids to concentrate and do things if they were standing up or lying on the horizontal on floor with head perched on palms of hands and supported by elbows.

The more I look at it, the more I feel like I cud relate. brings back alot of memories of me running around during dinner time, taking hours to finish my food (till now my uncle still rubs it in) refusing to stay in one spot for long during food or work. Eating food super fast if needed...lying on my tummy when watching tv...slouching on my chair during lectures or tutorials and even exams, always shifting my legs or shaking them in classes or NOW, horrible handwriting when I was young...always taking long time to finish my work...never passing up my "bring home" work on time...owing the teacher days of homework...not liking running, falling on my chin when I was young, having a weird walking style...sorta points to all that...lack of meticulousness in detail. I sorta think better on my feet. In fact I crap the most stuff when Im standing in front of someone even on stage...

Its sooo fascinating! if I do have immature STNR, then at least it explains why Im like that...why I get frustrated over the thigns pple can do so easily while I just have to fight to do...I get it! In fact,,,many fo these kids are labelled as unattnetive, heck-care students because they take so long to finish their work. they do, then rest awhile and do and rest awhile...when in actual fact, they just dont feel them, writing is hard labour. somethign even I agree...They try soo hard to keep up with writing regardless, that there is soo much muscle tnesion in their hands byt he time they're done that..they just have to put down the pencil and relax their hands...I had hand cramps when I was doing my A'level GP n geog exams..or even in O'levels...coz you have to write soo much...according tot he book, it takes an immature student 10 times the effort to do a writing assignment than a normal student. NOWONDER I hate written assignments! Id rather to a short answer quiz, mcq etc! whether its typed or written manually.

The analogy here is for eg..gettign a rubber band and stretching it. In a normal person,t he rubber band isnt even stretched coz allt he limbs and the neck can work independently..but in an immature STNR person's case..the body is like a rubber band that stretches if both part os the body is bent or straight. As a rubber band does, it tries to get rid of the tension by going back to its initial unstretched state...*pause* concentration broken by mum's request to brnig over stuff to neighbour's place. Grrrrr..sooooo like an immature STNR person, he will try ways and means to get comfortable and accomplish what they have to do att eh same time. frustration comes when they cant do both at the same time. Thats when kids throw tantrums over their written assignments etc I rememebr wanting to eat ont he bed, or do work on the bed, or study while lying on my tummy..etc...exactly wat i want to do now...lie on my tummy ont he bed and read the rest of the book...haiz...and my leg is shaking...which reminds me abt how when I was young, everytime i tried to keep my feet steady while sitting down, it wud statr to aching..until I cudnt stand it and had to move them...I thought I had rheumatism or a super young age!...damn!

Sooo heres where my attnetion span is stopping...because my mum has been asking me to do this and that that its frustrating to do and come back..noly to lose my train of thought..I bloody hate it!...when my concentration is here, I hate to be disturbed..I hope it hasnt been a boring entry..hope you learn somethign I did...

To all who celebrate Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai or Gong Hai Fatt Choy!. For those who dont, enjoy the break! Its all the way till tuesday! WoHOOO!

PS: Will read more and get back with more interesting stuff... :)

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